Sunday, February 14, 2021

Kumkumadi Thailam

    Preethy's Boutique Kumkumadi Tailam is Ayurvedic herbal oil used for face massage. 'Kumkum' means saffron which is the main ingredient of this medicine. It is a unique blend of herbs and oils which helps brighten your skin naturally. It is 100% natural chemical-free facial massage oil.

  • It is helpful to improve skin texture and also helps to reduce skin problems such as acne, scars, etc. Besides nourishing the skin, it also works as a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.
  • It’s a natural way to get fairer and more glowing skin. It helps to improve the complexion and brightens dull skin. With Regular use of this Thailam is minimizing the signs of aging and you will get a younger look.
  • In fact, kumkumadi tailam is a natural solution that helps to reduce all skin problems such as pimples, blemishes, scars, Under eye dark circles, whiteheads, and wrinkles, aging, dark spot, sun tan, etc.
  • How to use: Take a few drops of the natural Kumkumadi Thailam in your hands and apply it all over your face and neck. Massage it evenly all over in circular upward strokes. While applying oil and let it stay for 2-3 hours or overnight.

Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients:
Kumkuma (Saffron):
As suggested by the name, the main ingredient in this oil is the red thread-like pollen particles obtained from the vibrant purple-colored saffron flower which goes by the botanical name Crocus sativus. Saffron threads rich in antioxidants are famous for lightening skin color and improving complexion. The potent warming and kantivardhaka properties of saffron normalize the Pitta and Vata doshas. 

Being a potent blood purifier, this red root improves blood circulation. It is mostly used for improving complexion, reducing pigmentation, stimulating faster wound healing, and reducing inflammation.

Yashtimadhu (Indian licorice):
These roots obtained from the Glycyrrhiza glabra tree help in pacifying the Pitta doshas like piles, anemia, and controls the Vata doshas like urinary incontinence, urinary retention, improve wound healing, and reduces inflammation.

Chandana (Sandalwood):
The addition of sandalwood or Chandan nourishes the skin by reducing pimples, acne marks, blemishes, suntan, dullness, and excess oil from the skin. This potent herb pacifies Pitta doshas, cleanses the skin, reduces inflammation, and effectively treats conditions like diarrhea and piles. Also read: Sandalwood Powder /Oil: Ayurvedic Uses, Medicinal Benefits For Skin, Hair, And Health

Laksha or lac is a gum-like substance obtained from the female lac insect Laccifer lacca. It effectively helps in wound healing and healing of fractures. It is also used in bleeding disorders and provides relief from burning sensations and nasal bleeding.

Daruharidra (Tree turmeric):
Also known as Haldi, this vibrant yellow-colored spice checks the worsening of pitta doshas like jaundice. The powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of turmeric help in evading infections and treats various skin conditions. Also Read: Skin Care: 5 Amazing Ways In Which Turmeric Helps

The potent antiseptic properties of vetiver calm the mind and balance hormonal disorders. It improves circulation and treats underlying skin conditions.

Padmaka (Indian lotus):
The extracts obtained from the lotus flower effectively help in reducing pain and inflammation. It treats bleeding disorder, asthma, and cough and cold symptoms.

Nilotpala (Indian Water Lily):
The floral extracts of the beautiful water lily plant balance the Pitta and Kapha disorders. It is vital in brightening complexion, soothing irritation, moisturizing, and regenerating the skin.

Vata or Banyan:
It is extremely beneficial for treating moles, healing wounds, and preventing various skin infections.

Kamala Kesara (lotus stamen):
It acts as a natural skin conditioner and is extremely beneficial in hydrating and moisturizing the skin. It prevents acne breakouts and prevents dry flaky skin.

Dashamoola and floral extracts
 The ten roots used in this formulation are excellent for normalizing Vata aggravations. It detoxifies and nourishes the skin, improves blood circulation, prevents skin discolorations, and diminishes freckles, fine lines, etc.

Bilva (Bael):
The anti-bacterial properties of bael pacify Vata and Kapha doshas and cure and prevent many skin infections. Also read: Bael: Medicinal Uses, Therapeutic Benefits For Skin, Diabetes, And Supplements

The extracts of Agnimantha play a vital role in improving skin glow, and texture. It prevents dark circles, blemishes, breakouts, scars left after the healing of acne, suntans, and various signs of aging and provides a natural radiance to the skin.

It detoxifies the blood, cleanses wounds, and helps in faster healing.

One of the dashamoola roots, it effectively reduces inflammation and improves wound healing. The potent antioxidant properties help in cleansing the blood and removing the dullness of skin and wrinkles.

The herb is highly effective in purifying the blood. It also treats burns, wounds, reduces blisters, and provides relief from pain and burning sensation.

The extract is highly beneficial in treating allergic conditions and skin infections and provides relief from redness, itching, and dryness.

It helps in bleeding disorders and facilitates wound healing and prevents a number of skin infections.

Being an amazing skin emollient, these prickly dried fruits of the gokshura tree treats skin infections and inflammatory conditions. It also helps in treating the various signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, etc, and bestows smooth, glowing revitalized skin.

The use of Brihati in this oil helps reduce Vata disorders. It treats different types of skin infections and nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.

The Kusthahara property of this herb holds high value in treating skin diseases, helping in wound healing, and promoting skin health.

The extracts from the Madhuca Indica tree soothes skin inflammatory conditions and provides relief from itching and burning sensation from burns, scalds, and eczema.

Known for treating various Pitta conditions, this herb purifies the blood and treats various skin conditions. It is extensively used for treating and preventing acne, pimples, boils, etc.

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