Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Brindleberry / Kudampuli/ Fish Tamarind /Garcinia Cambogia

 Garcinia cambogia (now Garcinia gummi-gutta) is a small light-green/yellow pumpkin-shaped fruit. Other (common) names include Malabar tamarind and Brindleberry.

  • Kudampuli (scientific name: Garcinia cambogia) also known as Gambooge, Malabar Tamarind, Fish Tamarind, brindle berry, etc is an essential ingredient in all the seafood-loving kitchens in Central Kerala, the coastal South Indian state. As the name suggests (Puli = sour in Malayalam), the dried fruit is used as a souring agent in Kerala’s famous fish curries and other seafood preparations.
  • The green fruit is a young version, it will turn yellow when ripe. Once fully ripe, fruits are collected, cut in half, de-seeded, and are sun-dried for a day. The sun-dried fruit halves are smoked till black and keep tightly sealed. These will stay fresh for years. Before use, wash the pieces, soak these for 10 minutes in water. Kudampuli pieces are added along with the water in which it was soaked into curries and it gives a delicious sour taste that is so unique.

     Health Benefits Of Malabar Tamarind

    Malabar tamarind is a gift of nature that has benefitted humans a lot without them realizing it. The sourness in most dishes is attributed to the Malabar tamarind. Weight loss is not the only health benefit that the Malabar tamarind has. It can easily be termed as a 'superfood' due to the amazing health benefits that it offers other than weight loss. Read the benefits below and consider including the tamarind in your diet:

    1. Reduces Inflammation
    2. Decreasing insulin levels
    3. Helps in controlling blood sugar
    4. Boosts digestive process
    5. Releases happy hormones
    6. Controls the cholesterol  in the body
    7. Helps protect against stomach ulcers
    8. Improves cardiovascular health
    9. Boosts energy
    10. Detoxifies the body
    11. Strengthens the bones
    12. Helps in inducing sleep

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