Thursday, February 18, 2021

Kasturi Turmeric/Wild Turmeric Powder

Preethy's Kasturi Turmeric Powder /Wild Turmeric Powder, for Glowing Skin Wild turmeric, is an important ingredient in any Ayurvedic skincare product. It has anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. The yellow pigment in the turmeric makes the skin brighter. It also helps in removing facial hair and pimple marks, when used for a longer time.

5 Ways To Use Kasturi Turmeric For Glowing Skin

Who doesn't know about the skin benefits of regular turmeric? The common kitchen ingredient in India is also widely used in a number of skincare products. But do you know that there is another version of this ancient herb, which can make you look absolutely flawless without even that yellow stain? Well, we are talking about Kasturi turmeric - the gift of nature for our skin. Read on to know more about how this natural ingredient can help you ditch all expensive facials and beauty treatments.

* Face Mask For Glowing Skin

Prepare a smooth face mask by mixing Kasturi Turmeric powder with chickpea flour and fresh, un-boiled milk. Apply the paste of medium consistency evenly to your skin and give a gentle massage for 5 minutes. Leave the mask as it is for 15-30 minutes and then, wash off with water to get visibly radiant skin.

* Cure For Acne And Acne Marks

Because of its strong antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, Kasturi Turmeric serves as an amazing treatment for pimples and those embarrassing pimple marks. Make a paste of Kasturi Turmeric powder with sandalwood powder and milk. Apply it all over your skin focusing on your pimples and wash it off after 30 minutes. You will be amazed to get blemish-free skin in few months.

* Scrub For Exfoliating Skin

Kasturi Turmeric has great antioxidant qualities. It can help you get elastic skin free of rashes and other pesky issues while keeping dead cells, dirt, and excess oil away. Make a paste of turmeric along with yogurt and exfoliate your skin with it gently. Allow it to stay on your skin for 15-20 minutes and then, wash away to discover youthful skin.


* Anti-Ageing Tool To Fight Wrinkles

Kasturi Turmeric not only helps in improving your skin complexion but also combats the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and under-eye bags. Prepare a smooth paste of the herb along with buttermilk and apply it to your skin focusing on the affected areas. You can also make a paste of Kasturi Turmeric with sugar cane juice in order to get rid of wrinkles.

* Agent For Removing Facial Hair

]There are very few natural ways available for slowing down and/or preventing the growth of unwanted facial hair. As a result, many women consider waxing as the one and only resort. However, you can also reduce the growth of your facial hair by using Kasturi Turmeric. Just make a paste of the herb with warm coconut oil and scrub your face gently with it. Practicing it frequently will give you wonderful results.




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Black Pepper

Kerala Naturals Black Pepper 
Organically grown without pesticides and fertilizers, Pure, Natural and Organic, Black Pepper Whole and dried, We collect fresh organic spices directly from the farmers in and around the Western Ghat region. Black Pepper whole Fresh, Clean, and Organic. It has demonstrated impressive antioxidant and antibacterial effects, yet another way in which this wonderful seasoning promotes the health of the digestive tract. Peppercorn stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, helping to keep you slim while giving you the energy to burn. Nutritional Profile Black-pepper is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of iron and vitamin-K, and a good source of dietary fiber. 

Black pepper and its active compound piperine may have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Laboratory studies suggest that black pepper may improve cholesterol levels, blood sugar control, and brain and gut health. Despite these promising findings, more studies in humans are needed to better understand the exact health benefits of black pepper and its concentrated extracts. Regardless, this versatile flavor-enhancer is worth adding to your daily cooking routine, as its bold flavor is a great addition to almost any dish.

 Black pepper is called the ‘King of Spice’? Well, this is because this spice has loads of benefits for your body. Here are some of the facts about this amazing spice.

  • Helps in losing weight
  • Detoxifies your body
  • Prevents cancer
  • Cleanses your intestines and stomach
  • It consists of potassium that helps in regulating heart rate and high blood pressure
  • Helps in producing red blood cells
  • Rich in vitamin B and produces calcium
  • Prevents constipation
  • Prevents skin deformation & wrinkles

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Kerala Naturals Imli/Tamarind is a hardwood tree known scientifically as Tamarindus indica. The tree produces pods that are filled with seeds and a juicy pulp that is green in color and sour to taste. As the fruit ripens this juicy pulp becomes a paste-like texture that is then slightly sweet and sour to the taste. Tamarind is common throughout most Indian cuisines. Usually, it is the juice or pastes that are used as a souring agent, particularly in south Indian and Gujarati lentil dishes, curries, and chutneys, where its flavor is more authentic than vinegar or lemon juice. Uses of the pulp include traditional medicine and metal polish. Apart from the culinary benefit tamarind is also highly beneficial for your skin and can be used for lightening and help with skin rashes. The pulp of Tamarind pods is an ancient Ayurvedic ingredient used to polish and detoxify the skin because of its high content of Vitamin c.

  • It is used as a souring agent because of its excellent flavor
  • Excellent taste and No Preservatives or Chemicals. We collect fresh spices directly from the farmers. So we guarantee our products, that are Fresh, Clean and pure. Free from chemical impurities.
  • Apart from the culinary benefit tamarind is also highly beneficial for your skin. It helps to unclog the pores, reduce age-related spots and blemishes, and keep your skin clear. It is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants including carotene, minerals like magnesium and potassium and hence this mushy fruit are of great help for your daily skincare regimen, and overall health                                                                   


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Cardamom /Elaichi (Big size)

Kerala Naturals Big size Fine Quality Cardamom, is a spice with an intense, slightly sweet flavor that some people compare to mint. It originated in India but is available worldwide today and used in both sweet and savory recipes. The seeds, oils, and extracts of cardamom are thought to have impressive medicinal properties and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Health benefits of cardamom

 1. Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties May Lower Blood Pressure

  Cardamom may be helpful for people with high blood pressure. In one study, researchers gave three grams of cardamom powder a day to 20 adults who were newly diagnosed with high blood pressure. After 12 weeks, blood pressure levels had significantly decreased to the normal range. The promising results of this study may be related to the high levels of antioxidants in cardamom. In fact, the participants’ antioxidant status had increased by     90% by the end of the study. Antioxidants have been linked to lower blood pressure.

 Researchers also suspect that the spice may lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect,  meaning it can promote urination to remove water that builds up in your body, for example around your heart. Cardamom extract has been shown to increase urination and decrease blood pressure.

2. May Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds

    The compounds in cardamom may help fight cancer cells. Studies in mice have shown     that cardamom powder can increase the activity of certain enzymes that help fight cancer 

    The spice may also enhance the ability of natural killer cells to attack tumors. In one study, researchers exposed two groups of mice to a compound that causes skin cancer and fed one group 500 mg of ground cardamom per kg (227 mg per pound) of weight per day. After 12 weeks, only 29% of the group who ate the cardamom developed cancer,    compared to over 90% of the control group. Research on human cancer cells and cardamom indicate similar results. One study showed that a certain compound in the spice stopped oral cancer cells in test tubes from multiplying. Even though the results are promising, these studies have only been conducted on mice or in test tubes. Human research is needed before stronger claims can be made.

3. May Protect from Chronic Diseases 

    Cardamom is rich in compounds that may fight inflammation. Inflammation occurs when your body is exposed to foreign substances. Acute inflammation is necessary and beneficial, but long-term inflammation can lead to chronic disease Antioxidants, found in abundance in cardamom, protect cells from damage and stop inflammation from occurring. One study found that cardamom extract in doses of 50–100 mg per kg (23–46 mg per pound) of body weight was effective in inhibiting at least four different inflammatory compounds in rats. Another study in rats showed that eating cardamom powder decreased liver inflammation induced by eating a diet high in carbs and fat  

4. May Help with Digestive Problems, Including Ulcers

    Cardamom has been used for thousands of years to help with digestion. It’s often mixed with other medicinal spices to relieve discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. The most researched property of cardamom, as it pertains to relieving stomach issues, is its possible ability to heal ulcers. In one study, rats were fed extracts of cardamom, turmeric, and sembung leaf in hot water before being exposed to high doses of aspirin to induce stomach ulcers. These rats developed fewer ulcers compared to rats that only received aspirin. A similar study in rats found that cardamom extract alone could completely prevent or reduce the size of gastric ulcers by at least 50%.In fact, at doses of 12.5 mg per kg (5.7 mg per pound) of body weight, cardamom extract was more effective than a common anti-ulcer medication.

 5. May Treat Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities

     The use of cardamom to treat bad breath and improve oral health is an ancient remedy. In some cultures, it’s common to freshen your breath by eating entire cardamom pods after a meal. Even the chewing gum manufacturer Wrigley uses spice in one of its products. The reason why cardamom can lead to minty fresh breath may have to do with its ability to fight common mouth bacteria. One study found that cardamom extracts were effective in fighting five bacteria that can cause dental cavities.

6. May Have Antibacterial Effects and Treat Infections

     Cardamom also has antibacterial effects outside of the mouth and may treat infections.

     Research shows that cardamom extracts and essential oils have compounds that fight several common strains of bacteria. One test-tube study examined the impact of these extracts on drug-resistant strains of Candida, a yeast that can cause fungal infections.    Additional test-tube research found that essential oils and extracts of cardamom were just as, and sometimes more effective than standard drugs against E.coli and Staphylococcus, bacteria that can cause food poisoning. The essential oils and extracts of cardamom may be effective against a variety of bacterial strains that contribute to fungal infections, food poisoning, and stomach issues. However, research has only been conducted in test tubes and not in humans.

7. May Improve Breathing and Oxygen Use

    Compounds in cardamom may help increase airflow to your lungs and improve breathing. When used in aromatherapy, cardamom can provide an invigorating odor that enhances your body’s ability to use oxygen during exercise.One study asked a group of    participants to inhale cardamom essential oil for one minute before walking on a treadmill for 15-minute intervals. This group had a significantly higher oxygen uptake compared to the control group.Another way that cardamom may improve breathing and oxygen use is by relaxing your airway. This may be particularly helpful for treating asthma.A study in rats and rabbits found that injections of cardamom extract could relax the throat air passage. If the extract has a similar effect in people with asthma, it may prevent their inflamed airways from restricting and improve their breathing 

8. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

     When taken in powder form, cardamom may lower blood sugar. One study found that feeding rats a high-fat, high-carb (HFHC) diet caused their blood sugar levels to remain elevated longer than if they were fed a normal diet. When rats on the HFHC diet were given cardamom powder, their blood sugar did not stay elevated for longer than the blood sugar of rats on a normal diet (15Trusted Source). However, the powder may not have the same effect in humans with type 2 diabetes. In a study in over 200 adults with this condition, participants were divided into groups that took only black tea or black tea with three grams of either cinnamon, cardamom, or ginger every day for eight weeks  

    The results showed that cinnamon, but not cardamom or ginger, improved blood sugar.  

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Pomegranate Peel Powder (Punica granatum)

Kerala Naturals Pomegranate peel powderbeing rich in antioxidants, pomegranates neutralizes the effect of free radicals in our body. The anti-aging plant compounds in the fruit also help in stimulating keratinocyte cells (skin cells) and help in cellular regeneration thereby keeping wrinkles and sagging skin at bay. Hydrates dry skin: It is a rich source of vitamin C, which research has proven is effective in treating dull and dry skin. It can reduce skin roughness. It can remove dark spots and treat pigmentation and even brighten the skin naturally.

    Beauty  Benefits of Pomegranate peel powder

Pomegranate peels are good for skin and hair health. Here is how the fruit peel helps take your beauty and hair care regimen to a new level altogether:

  •  It fights acne, pimples, and rashes: Because of their healing properties, pomegranate peels can effectively fight acne, pimples, and rashes. The peels are rich in antioxidants and help in keeping bacteria and other infections at bay.

  • It prevents wrinkles and other signs of ageing: The peels prevent the breakdown of collagen in your skin, in turn promoting cell growth, which helps delay signs of ageing and wrinkles effectively. 
  • It acts as a natural moisturiser: Pomegranate peels are great for your skin. It hydrates and protects your skin from pollutants and other environmental toxins. It restores the pH balance of the skin. The ellagic acid present in the peels locks moisture in the skin. keeping it soft and supple.
  • It acts as an effective facial scrub: Pomegranate peels can help in removing dead skin, black and whiteheads from your face when used in form of a facial scrub
  • It acts as natural sunscreen: Pomegranate peels also have sun-blocking agents in them that can save your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays which can go a long way in preventing skin cancer.
  • It arrests hair loss and prevents dandruff: Pomegranate peels can also help you fight hair loss and prevent the menace of dandruff. 

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    Tuesday, February 16, 2021


    Kerala Naturals Wild Honey is a rich source of vitamins & minerals providing complete nourishment to the human frame. Wild honey gets the nectar from wildflowers in the forest. The honey is rich in taste and color since the bees collect from the local wildflowers because of which the texture varies. The taste and composition are said to change with the seasons. Wild Honey's anti-bacterial properties not only heal wounds and reduce acne but also hydrates and rejuvenates the skin. Wild Honey's anti-microbial properties forbid the growth of harmful bacteria on the skin. Its anti-oxidant properties remove all the free radicals accumulating on the skin. Wild honey also acts as a pore cleanser and gentle exfoliator. Also helps to keep your skin soft and supple. It can be used to treat wounds to speed up the healing process. It is an Ayurvedic Remedy for Weight Loss, Cough, and act as a soothing agent for sore throats.

    • Pure and organic honey
    • No added sugar, no preservatives
    • Natural remedy for Weight Loss, Cough, and act as a soothing agent for sore throats
    • It also possesses many beauty benefits too. Helps to keep your skin soft and supple.

    Kerala Naturals Stingless bee honey, or Small bee honey (Cheruthen) plays an important role in reducing weight. Small bee honey is twice nutritious as ordinary honey. Stingless bee honey is considered more nutritious because it collects nectar and pollen from small wild growing plants and trees, it is difficult for bigger bees to get inside smaller flowers. Honey is one of the outstanding sources of energy and stingless bee honey is very good for newborn babies also. Apart from its nutritional benefits honey can also be useful for beauty purposes. Helps to reduce acne and improves the glow of your skin. Also helps to keep your skin moisturized, provides a glow, and improves complexion.

    • Twice nutritious as ordinary honey.
    • No added sugar and premium quality, pure honey, from Kerala Naturals
    • Honey is one of the outstanding sources of energy
    • Helps to reduce acne and improves the glow of your skin.

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    Dry ginger coffee powder (Chukku Kappy)

    Kerala Naturals Dry Ginger Coffee (Chukku kappi): Kerala's own herbal drink that boosts immunity, relief from flu.Dry ginger a popular and traditional health drink in the southern parts of India. This is a perfect home remedy for cold, fever, and throat infections. Dry ginger Coffee helps cure indigestion and diarrhea. It eliminates toxins and helps absorb minerals from the intestines. Premium quality spices are used for making this and give you a traditional taste and flavor.

    INGREDIENTS: Dried ginger, coffee powder, black pepper, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, basil leaves (fresh), and palm jaggery make for the elaborate and wholesome combination of chukku kappi.

    Health Benefits

    • Dry ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties
    • During winter it will keep you warm throughout the day and will prevent you from cold and flu
    • Relieve gastrointestinal distress.
    • Effective in eliminating gas in the intestines as well as activities to help in the relaxation of the tract.
    • Reducing gas, indigestion, and cramps
    • It May help absorb minerals from the intestines
    • Eliminating toxins and congestion from body and mind
    • Reducing heat or acid in the stomach
    • Decrease congestion
    • Calm digestive system and helps joint pain
    • Improving skin irritation or rashes
    • The Dry Ginger coffee is a Home remedial multipurpose antidote that cures you and gives you relief from the above-mentioned symptoms.

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    Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Kumkumadi Thailam

        Preethy's Boutique Kumkumadi Tailam is Ayurvedic herbal oil used for face massage. 'Kumkum' means saffron which is the main ingredient of this medicine. It is a unique blend of herbs and oils which helps brighten your skin naturally. It is 100% natural chemical-free facial massage oil.

    • It is helpful to improve skin texture and also helps to reduce skin problems such as acne, scars, etc. Besides nourishing the skin, it also works as a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.
    • It’s a natural way to get fairer and more glowing skin. It helps to improve the complexion and brightens dull skin. With Regular use of this Thailam is minimizing the signs of aging and you will get a younger look.
    • In fact, kumkumadi tailam is a natural solution that helps to reduce all skin problems such as pimples, blemishes, scars, Under eye dark circles, whiteheads, and wrinkles, aging, dark spot, sun tan, etc.
    • How to use: Take a few drops of the natural Kumkumadi Thailam in your hands and apply it all over your face and neck. Massage it evenly all over in circular upward strokes. While applying oil and let it stay for 2-3 hours or overnight.

    Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients:
    Kumkuma (Saffron):
    As suggested by the name, the main ingredient in this oil is the red thread-like pollen particles obtained from the vibrant purple-colored saffron flower which goes by the botanical name Crocus sativus. Saffron threads rich in antioxidants are famous for lightening skin color and improving complexion. The potent warming and kantivardhaka properties of saffron normalize the Pitta and Vata doshas. 

    Being a potent blood purifier, this red root improves blood circulation. It is mostly used for improving complexion, reducing pigmentation, stimulating faster wound healing, and reducing inflammation.

    Yashtimadhu (Indian licorice):
    These roots obtained from the Glycyrrhiza glabra tree help in pacifying the Pitta doshas like piles, anemia, and controls the Vata doshas like urinary incontinence, urinary retention, improve wound healing, and reduces inflammation.

    Chandana (Sandalwood):
    The addition of sandalwood or Chandan nourishes the skin by reducing pimples, acne marks, blemishes, suntan, dullness, and excess oil from the skin. This potent herb pacifies Pitta doshas, cleanses the skin, reduces inflammation, and effectively treats conditions like diarrhea and piles. Also read: Sandalwood Powder /Oil: Ayurvedic Uses, Medicinal Benefits For Skin, Hair, And Health

    Laksha or lac is a gum-like substance obtained from the female lac insect Laccifer lacca. It effectively helps in wound healing and healing of fractures. It is also used in bleeding disorders and provides relief from burning sensations and nasal bleeding.

    Daruharidra (Tree turmeric):
    Also known as Haldi, this vibrant yellow-colored spice checks the worsening of pitta doshas like jaundice. The powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of turmeric help in evading infections and treats various skin conditions. Also Read: Skin Care: 5 Amazing Ways In Which Turmeric Helps

    The potent antiseptic properties of vetiver calm the mind and balance hormonal disorders. It improves circulation and treats underlying skin conditions.

    Padmaka (Indian lotus):
    The extracts obtained from the lotus flower effectively help in reducing pain and inflammation. It treats bleeding disorder, asthma, and cough and cold symptoms.

    Nilotpala (Indian Water Lily):
    The floral extracts of the beautiful water lily plant balance the Pitta and Kapha disorders. It is vital in brightening complexion, soothing irritation, moisturizing, and regenerating the skin.

    Vata or Banyan:
    It is extremely beneficial for treating moles, healing wounds, and preventing various skin infections.

    Kamala Kesara (lotus stamen):
    It acts as a natural skin conditioner and is extremely beneficial in hydrating and moisturizing the skin. It prevents acne breakouts and prevents dry flaky skin.

    Dashamoola and floral extracts
     The ten roots used in this formulation are excellent for normalizing Vata aggravations. It detoxifies and nourishes the skin, improves blood circulation, prevents skin discolorations, and diminishes freckles, fine lines, etc.

    Bilva (Bael):
    The anti-bacterial properties of bael pacify Vata and Kapha doshas and cure and prevent many skin infections. Also read: Bael: Medicinal Uses, Therapeutic Benefits For Skin, Diabetes, And Supplements

    The extracts of Agnimantha play a vital role in improving skin glow, and texture. It prevents dark circles, blemishes, breakouts, scars left after the healing of acne, suntans, and various signs of aging and provides a natural radiance to the skin.

    It detoxifies the blood, cleanses wounds, and helps in faster healing.

    One of the dashamoola roots, it effectively reduces inflammation and improves wound healing. The potent antioxidant properties help in cleansing the blood and removing the dullness of skin and wrinkles.

    The herb is highly effective in purifying the blood. It also treats burns, wounds, reduces blisters, and provides relief from pain and burning sensation.

    The extract is highly beneficial in treating allergic conditions and skin infections and provides relief from redness, itching, and dryness.

    It helps in bleeding disorders and facilitates wound healing and prevents a number of skin infections.

    Being an amazing skin emollient, these prickly dried fruits of the gokshura tree treats skin infections and inflammatory conditions. It also helps in treating the various signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, etc, and bestows smooth, glowing revitalized skin.

    The use of Brihati in this oil helps reduce Vata disorders. It treats different types of skin infections and nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.

    The Kusthahara property of this herb holds high value in treating skin diseases, helping in wound healing, and promoting skin health.

    The extracts from the Madhuca Indica tree soothes skin inflammatory conditions and provides relief from itching and burning sensation from burns, scalds, and eczema.

    Known for treating various Pitta conditions, this herb purifies the blood and treats various skin conditions. It is extensively used for treating and preventing acne, pimples, boils, etc.

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    Kerala Naturals Coming Closer to you!

      🚀 We're Coming Closer to You! 🌿✨ India’s most trusted natural products D2C brand – Kerala Naturals is now available near you! 🎉 Sho...